The Organization

Our Purpose:
Collective Professional Knowledge

VISCMA Members work together to bring their collective professional knowledge, experience and expertise to develop educational resources, standards and best practices for design professionals, installing contractors and code officials.

An example of this critical activity is the VISCMA (2014) Installing Seismic Restraints for Mechanical Equipment Manual, which supersedes our original manual funded by FEMA and produced in collaboration with the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

Code of Ethics:

  • Primary Goal
    VISCMA members shall have as their primary goal developing and producing safe and functional Vibration Isolation and Seismic products.

  • Acknowledgement
    VISCMA members shall yearly, in writing, acknowledge that they endorse the quality and perform­ance levels stated in the recommended practices and that they will adhere to the Code of Ethics and be bound by the Rules and Procedures governing Code of Ethics Complaints.

  • Objectivity
    VISCMA members shall maintain objective, professional judgment. They shall not compromise that judgment by undertaking any activity, accepting any contribution or having any conflict of interest that would prevent acting in the best interest of their employers or clients.

  • Professional Development
    VISCMA members shall use their membership as a means of professional development.

  • Trade Practice
    VISCMA members shall not intentionally engage in any unfair, misleading or deceptive trade prac­tices under United States Federal law.

  • Rights
    VISCMA members shall practice in a manner that supports the rights of employers, employees and clients, and shall not discriminate because of race, sex, creed, age, or national origin.

Violation of the Code of Ethics may result in termination of membership or such other sanction as deemed appropriate by VISCMA’s Board of Directors and the Code of Ethics Rules and Procedures.